10 Memes Only Cat Lovers Will Understand

These truths we hold to be self-evident: 1. the Internet is full of cat memes.  2. Cat memes are funny.  3. Almost everyone loves cat memes.  But there are some kitty memes which only true cat people will understand.  Are you one of the privileged few?  Let’s find out!  



For those of you who don’t know, cats are obsessed with boxes.  It doesn’t matter what size — contact lens box, shoe box, or 6-foot moving box — if it’s a box, cats will sit in it.  You can look up images of “if I fits, I sits” to see what I mean.  


cat sitting on laptop meme

You probably know already that cats enjoy lying in sunbeams, but did you know that cats love laptops as well?  It’s true.  My cat, Queen Autumn the 1st, used to sleep on my laptop all the time.  But after I bought a sloped cooling pad, she finally stopped, because it’s too steep to lie on anymore.  Fellow cat lovers, rejoice!  There is actually a cure to this ancient enigma!  



This is called “the zoomies”, and it happens if your cat doesn’t get enough playtime.  Your little Fluffy is actually a hunter at heart, and her predatory instincts will spike at various times of the day.  If no one is available to play with, she will dash madly from room to room.  It’s pretty hilarious, if you ask me.  


cat in tree

Queen Autumn the 1st used to scale the Christmas tree every year.  She seemed to have only one goal in mind: hunt down and murder all the bird ornaments.  And unfortunately for me, she succeeded.  She chipped one and ripped the feathers off another!  
I eventually wised up and removed them, but that still wasn’t enough.  So I ran a model train around the base of the tree to scare her away.  That’s worked — so far, at least…


cat killed plant

No explanation is needed here. 

But perhaps you might like to know where I found this?  I discovered this photo in a hilarious post by Andrew Ziegler of Buzzfeed.  It’s a bit like this article; both of us are laughing at the weird, funny little habits cats have.  Here’s the link if you want to check it out:  



cat hair meme

Why are cats attracted to fresh laundry?  Well, remember how cats love sunbeams and laptops?  In truth, they like almost anything that is warm.  And whereas humans enjoy the smell of fresh laundry, cats prefer everything to smell like them.  Smell is how Fluffy marks her territory, and it’s a comforting scent to her.  So here’s the practical application of all this: keep laundry off the bed!  


business cat

Again, cats are hunters at heart.  

But can you imagine what it would be like if cats were businessmen?  They would constantly be sleeping on the job, sitting on report papers, and chasing laser pointers.  It would be mayhem!  Our economy would collapse!  It would be hilarious!  


I don't always cat meme

What does it mean when your cat brings you dead prey?  This is a debate in the cat-loving community.  Some believe it is an insult, and that the cat is essentially thinking: “Since you’re so helpless, I guess I’ll have to feed you.”  

But there’s another theory.  It could be that Fluffy is giving you her prey as a gift, out of her love for you.  Personally, I think this theory holds a lot of weight because cats love food.  Giving it up is a big sacrifice for them.  So bon appetit!  


cat lick meme

Cats will spend hours licking themselves clean.  That means they lick everything, and I mean everything.  I always feel so embarrassed when Autumn decides to stick up her leg and clean that spot in front of guests…


cat knocking things over funny

And there we have it: 10 memes that only true cat people will get.  How many of these did you understand?  Have you seen any of these behaviors in your own cat?  Which one was the funniest?  Leave a comment and let me know!  

Hopefully this post made you laugh, because I sure laughed while writing it!  

Next week’s post will be less funny and more enriching.  It will be a guest post by writer and horse expert Katherine Blocksdorf.  Katherine has kindly agreed to share with us some of her expertise on equine dietary issues.  If you have horses in your life (or if you know someone who does), then you won’t want to miss this!  

Stay fuzzy, my friends!